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(scroll down to see full list; previous month's (December 2023) Viewpoint

Scroll down for: A Home and Small Business Viewpoint by Len Tondel, from 31st January 2024

By way of explanation. The term 'home business' consists of two words. 'Business' is the second one; it's there to qualify and support the word 'home' and all that goes with it - and not vice versa. Consequently, we also list below, items which are of interest and value to the home. Whether in its context as an office or as a part of your family and lifestyle but always directed at the improved prospects and enjoyment that running a business from home, in its entirety, can bring.

For a current, multi-part overview of starting and running a business from home, go here: http://www.homebusiness.org.uk/features.htm

31.01.2024: Self-assessment tax return deadline looms. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/self-assessment-tax-return-deadline-123907690.html

Company failures hit 30-year high in 2023. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/company-failures-hit-30-high-111722783.html Yawn. Only another Brexit 'success story'.

25% jump in people needing breathing space from debts last year. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/25-jump-people-needing-breathing-101744779.html

Class action case against BT unlike any other seen by regulators, tribunal hears. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/class-action-case-against-bt-161521570.html All the more power to its elbow. BT are right up there with the Post Office for a terminal sentence of asset seizure and hard labour for life.

New Brexit border regime could pose ‘serious biosecurity risks’. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/brexit-border-regime-could-pose-173654828.html That much was already evident when the rabid, genocidal maniac Twatnyahoo was received by the Turdy regime.

Nazi Labour (pretends) 'acts' on fears Muslims will not vote for party over its support for Gaza genocide. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/jan/30/labour-acts-on-fears-muslims-will-not-vote-for-party-over-gaza-stance 'Muslims'? There isn't a decent human being of any inclination on the entire face of the planet which would want to vote for Labour's cowardly, zionist war criminals. The problem the electorate faces is whether or not they are any measurable improvement on the cowardly zionist war criminals currently in power.

Terrorgraph could become ‘PR arm’ of UAE after proposed takeover, MPs warned. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/jan/30/telegraph-could-become-pr-arm-of-uae-after-proposed-takeover-mps-warned As opposed to it being the 'PR arm' of Amerikkan/Izraeli terrorists as it is currently.

30.01.2024: Millions of households in England ‘will still be in fuel poverty by end of decade’. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/jan/29/millions-of-households-in-england-will-still-be-in-fuel-poverty-by-end-of-decade Sounds like still more knighthoods on the way for energy industry gannets.

New guide gives people with learning disabilities accessible scams advice. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/guide-gives-people-learning-disabilities-000100429.html

‘Engage their curiosity’: immersive art can boost UK high streets, says artist. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2024/jan/28/immersive-art-uk-high-streets-artist-es-devlin Two problems here. Are plebs walking along the high street, transfixed by their dummyphones, even going to see the art? And secondly, even once they do see it, will they possess the mental faculty to understand what they are looking at?

Rise in vinyl sales at concerts gives indie artists a vital lifeline. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2024/jan/28/rise-in-vinyl-sales-at-concerts-gives-indie-artists-a-vital-lifeline

Cost of American PM (Pig Meat) Boris Johnson’s booze-fuelled Brexit bash revealed. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-brexit-party-alcohol-b2486669.html

29.01.2024: How charity shops turned from a bargain-hunter’s paradise to right rip-off. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/charity-shops-turned-bargain-hunter-130000407.html Trying to follow the example set by the Turdy regime's sponsors and donors, are they?

'Revolutionary' £165,000 machine claims to fix potholes in 8 minutes. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/%C2%A3165000-machine-fix-potholes-8-minutes-134713756.html Wow! That's almost twice as long as a couple of cross-Channel refugees with a loaf of bread.

Ukraine uncovers massive arms fraud worth £32m that robbed it of nearly 100,000 shells. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-uncovers-massive-arms-fraud-020522219.html Not a 'robbery' which will have affected the profits of its arms suppliers, on the other hand.

WC (war criminal) Labour Nazis suspend member over comments for an all-inclusive Holocaust message. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/jan/28/labour-suspends-kate-osamor-over-gaza-comments-in-holocaust-message Can't be having it. Democracy, free speech and the truth are bad news for the modern WC Labour Party's zionist Nazi sponsors and backers.

28.01.2024: Consumer confidence reaches highest point in two years as optimism strengthens. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/consumer-confidence-reaches-highest-point-000100315.html Another 5-minute propaganda headline?

No 10 ‘taking seriously’ reports that Horizon files show Post Office cover-up. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/26/no-10-taking-seriously-reports-that-horizon-files-show-post-office-cover-up-forensic-accountants They have known for much longer than they are letting on. So why tell the truth when cowardly lying will do? It's what public school educations are for.

Parma hams and Spanish chorizos to disappear from UK shelves due to new Brexit checks, Riski Skunk warned. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-uk-food-shortages-eu-imports-b2485561.html That'll get him and Westminster worried. If only because they don't know anything about superior British hams.

Average asking rents ‘hit new record high with 11 inquiries typically per home’. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/average-asking-rents-hit-record-000100771.html Quite a long way from our experience . . .

Culture Secretary makes new intervention in Abu Dhabi-backed Terroraph takeover. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/culture-secretary-makes-intervention-abu-185124439.html This being the selfsame offshore, taxpayer-subsidised, zionist propaganda rag which urged the country to vote for Brexit and the Turdy regime on economic/sovereignty/patriotic grounds yet can't even keep itself afloat without Arabian shekels and now, is asking the country to prepare for World War 3 so that its historical backers - Amerikkan and Izraeli terrorists, parasites and tax-dodgers - can continue making their nice little earners out of that element of the public which believes what it reads in the 'papers!

27.01.24: World Court orders Israel to prevent acts of genocide, fails to order ceasefire. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/world-court-orders-israel-to-prevent-acts-of-genocide-fails-to-order-ceasefire/ar-BB1hiVUL What not a surprise from this outfit of arse-lickers to Amerikkan terrorism with one ball less than a platoon of eunuchs.

Government had full knowledge of Post Office secretly sacking Horizon investigators. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/government-had-full-knowledge-of-post-office-secretly-sacking-horizon-investigators/ar-BB1hiWfu As we have been saying from the outset.

Royal Mail privatisation by Turdy coalition 'a national disaster' as shareholders make £2bn while stamp prices soar. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/royal-mail-privatisation-a-national-disaster-as-shareholders-make-2bn-while-stamp-prices-soar/ar-BB1hitLY

Turdy pee-er and donor, Michelle Mone (and husband) have £75million worth of assets frozen amid PPE fraud probe. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/michelle-mone-and-husband-have-75million-worth-of-assets-frozen-amid-ppe-fraud-probe/ar-BB1hi8Kd

Fish fingers, cheese and flowers face being stopped at Brexit borders from next week. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/fish-fingers-cheese-and-flowers-face-being-stopped-at-brexit-borders-from-next-week/ar-BB1hjEAJ?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=5a93524e36b649c38a3e4f2cd0b1b2bd&ei=56

‘The world is changing too fast for us’: organic farmers on urgency of French protests. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/26/world-changing-too-fast-organic-farmers-french-protests Scarcely an accurate depiction of events albeit unsurprisingly so for French reporting. Organic farming is a minor activity in France and has long been an area scorned by medium-to-large French farming enterprise itself. No arguments here. Organic farmers (as well as diversification and agro-tourism) need a leg-up not least of all from French consumers themselves who couldn't give a toss about the quality or origin of their produce no more so than the supermarket chains which use the label for additional profiteering only. Jumping on this publicity bandwagon however, are French farming's inveterate parasites and subsidy junkies who get every financial break the rest of the business community can only dream of and yet still can't (or pretend to) make their way. In exchange all they over-produce is high-cost mediocrity intended for a rapidly declining export market massively reduced by the antics of the successive governments they have elected. No more Russia; no more China; no more Brexitland and finally no more Africa. And now that the thugs among the protestors have started attacking HGV traffic from the Iberian peninsula and Eastern Europe, they can expect a significant reduction in their allocation from the next round of EU subsidy negotiations and populist boycotts of ALL French exports to those countries. So. Back to polluting the air, the rivers and the soil, lads. Exterminating the bee population. Endless contaminated food recalls. Destroying the roads. Devaluing neighbouring properties. And remaining the pariahs of French society. While Macaron's latest wunderkid prime ministerial appointment concentrates on picking a school uniform design.

26.01.2024: Record number of start-ups registered in UK last year. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/record-number-of-start-ups-registered-in-uk-last-year/ar-BB1h8UDS That will be all those illegal/economic migrants then.

IR35 backlash continues as Spring Budget nears. https://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/content/news/ir35-backlash-continues-as-spring-budget-nears

Tourists could face 14-hour queues to enter Europe under new scheme, MPs told. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/travel/news/tourists-could-face-14-hour-queues-to-enter-europe-under-new-scheme-mps-told/ar-BB1hfNln?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=d8fb272938cb44ca91467d940533a997&ei=34

Rules against exporting haggis to US a ‘scandal’, MP tells Commons. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/rules-against-exporting-haggis-to-us-a-scandal-mp-tells-commons/ar-BB1hfaW8 American politicians have been feeling threatened by the haggis's 'anti-semitic' potential and have placed an extra order for 2000lb bunker-busting bombs to deal with the menace once the genocide of the defenceless Palestinian population has been concluded.

Ofcom reveals which broadband, mobile and landline firms get most complaints from customers. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/ofcom-reveals-which-broadband-mobile-and-landline-firms-get-most-complaints-from-customers/ar-BB1hg50X

Slack Alice Bummer: Financial services are Britain's hidden treasure. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/alex-brummer-financial-services-are-britain-s-hidden-treasure/ar-BB1hdgx8?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=d4b86e891fab45e8adb89532a52b68dc&ei=50 So many 'financial services' that record levels of millions of financially impoverished Brits have yet to feel any benefit whatsoever from this 'treasure'!

More than one-third of Americans believe Israel is committing genocide, poll shows. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/24/americans-believe-israel-committing-genocide-poll Not bad, given that the majority of American media is zionist terrorist propaganda. Still, I'm sure that a la McCarthy, this significant number will duly be charged with 'anti-semitism' by the country's genocidal Nazi senators and administration.

25.01.2024: Changes to UK company law. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/first-changes-to-uk-company-law-expected-on-4-march Companies House has announced changes to company law which are expected to come into force later in 2024. The changes will be introduced under the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 and include stronger checks on company names, new rules for registered office addresses and a requirement for all companies to supply a registered email address.

New laws to protect consumers. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-laws-set-to-ban-mandatory-hidden-fees-from-online-shopping-saving-money-for-consumers Fake reviews and hidden fees (dripped pricing) will be added to a list of banned business practices to protect consumers. The changes will be introduced under the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill. As part of a review of the Price Marking Order, larger retailers will also be required to provide clearer price labelling.

Hidden fees for online customers to be banned in transparency drive. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/hidden-fees-for-online-customers-to-be-banned-in-transparency-drive/ar-BB1hajvc

UK economy could get £149bn boost by appointing 'Better Business Tsar', report claims. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/uk-economy-could-149bn-boost-163038172.html The country has had business tsars and gurus in the past and they have achieved zilch. Not that the appointments have been anything more than publicity exercises, on the other hand. Anyway, we have a business tsar already. Judas Reek-Knobb, public school wanker, Minister for Brexit Failure, North Sea Fish Fingers and Chocolate Oranges. How's he been doing then?

Nearly three million ‘without physical bank branch in constituency by year-end’. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/nearly-3m-without-physical-bank-170036630.html

What is the broadband compensation scheme? https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/technology/what-is-the-broadband-compensation-scheme/ar-AA1mvrfx

War criminal, terrorist and genocide enabler, Clameron: 'UK aid feeds 100,000 Yemenis a month'. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/video/news/uk-aid-feeds-100-000-yemenis-a-month/vi-BB1h7sUY?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=417870bab1fe4a07b078ba3194115244&ei=20 So - not even remotely as many as it's been helping to murder?

24.01.2024: 3.8m people have only until the end of January to submit tax returns. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/3-8m-people-only-until-103925580.html

Brexit trade checks will cost £330m a year. Starmer must revisit this disastrous deal. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/23/brexit-trade-checks-will-cost-330m-a-year-starmer-must-revisit-this-disastrous-deal Only if it has been approved by the Izraeli terrorist IDF.

Post office investigators were set targets for recovering money from postmasters, Horizon inquiry hears. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/post-office-inquiry-money-targets-b2483273.html Like the Nazi terrorist group, the IDF, have targets for murdering women and children.

Eamonn Holmes 'very bitter' at being forced to sell home to pay taxes. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/eamonn-holmes-sell-home-pay-taxes-141438142.html Just like all those innocent Postmasters. Although their plight was never reported at the time.

BT to switch off landlines in the UK - full list of areas affected. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/technology/bt-to-switch-off-landlines-in-the-uk-full-list-of-areas-affected/ar-BB1h7u7B?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=b1bc8c76a68e42a2874e95efaec6d9ae&ei=9 Another outfit of corporate delinquents which needs to be closely scrutinuised after the Post Office and Fujitsu.

Councils face bankruptcy due to rising homelessness costs, leaders warn. https://www.aol.co.uk/councils-face-bankruptcy-due-rising-120443491.html Are these the same home;ess who can't manage on 30p a day? (According to Turdy Nazi thug, 30 Pee Wankerson.)

Gambling self-exclusion sign-ups reached record in 2023. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/gambling-self-exclusion-sign-ups-115445724.html

Hippy, capitalist, guru, grocer: the forgotten genius who changed British food. https://www.theguardian.com/food/2024/jan/23/nicholas-saunders-forgotten-genius-changed-british-food

‘More killing won’t bring back lost lives’: Tal Mitnick, 18, on going to prison instead of joining IDF terrorists. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/23/israel-man-jailed-refuse-serve-idf-military-tal-mitnick-interview But of course, Izraeli Nazis would prefer him to say, 'I was only following orders.' In the meantime, chapeau, young man. A shame you can't share your balls with the rest of the country.

23.01.2024: More than 47,000 UK businesses on ‘brink of collapse’, warn insolvency experts. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/more-than-47-000-uk-businesses-on-brink-of-collapse-warn-insolvency-experts/ar-BB1h44pP?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=52090da17c62463fad4ff361c30a0b39&ei=9 What's needed are £ billions more to be pumped into genocidal Nazi regimes like Izrael and Ukraine for Amerikkan terrorist profits. Another Brexitland 'success story' clearly!

Flatlining having economic impact across the UK, research finds. https://www.aol.co.uk/flatlining-having-economic-impact-across-000100194.html Which pretty much sums up the 'real world' albeit not the world of offshore, taxpayer-subsidised zionist gutter propaganda, which suggests Naziland Brexitland is enjoying unparalalled economic success!

Household incomes to improve amid ‘turning point’ for economy in 2024 – report. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/household-incomes-improve-amid-turning-122355982.html The 'turning point' where record levels of homelessness and food bank attendance starts to decline and people start committing suicide instead? How many times have we heard this fairy tale now?

Revealed (by Brexit zionist propaganda): More than 365,000 hours of police time wasted each year because of EU rules forcing officers to remove personal details from files. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/revealed-more-than-365-000-hours-of-police-time-wasted-each-year-because-of-eu-rules-forcing-officers-to-remove-personal-details-from-files/ar-BB1h0LPJ?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=13d5664ea3a4477a92aada174f1deeff&ei=25 As negotiated by Naziland Brexitland. Perhaps less time spent on Haribo tv reality series, obstructing peaceful protests, protecting visiting war criminals and ignoring 999 calls while scrolling online kiddy porn?

France's farmer lobby turns up heat on government before talks. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/france-s-farmer-lobby-turns-up-heat-on-government-before-talks/ar-BB1h3QD0?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=52090da17c62463fad4ff361c30a0b39&ei=21 France has far too many small, inefficient farms operating a feudal model which costs the taxpayer far more in subsidies, tax and legal concessions than they merit. And ironically albeit predictably, the real beneficiaries are not the farmers but agricorp, machinery and hardware manufacturers, banks and the administration which supports it all. I've seen statistics showing farmers themselves receiving as little as 5% of the country's global agricultural budget which even by French standards, is absoluterly disgusting. However, at some stage, somebody in government has got to dig their heels in and come up with real solutions which means cutting out a lot of dead wood to begin with. Unfortunately, the present regime is better at supporting Izraeli/Amerikkan genocide, zionist terrorist hysteria and its own Islamophobia than it is at tackling its the country's core issues.

22.01.2024: 5 reasons you may need to file self-assessment tax return as £100 deadline looms. https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/5-reasons-you-need-file-31921032

More than 500 UK pubs closed for good in 2023. https://beertoday.co.uk/2024/01/21/2023-pub-closures-0124/

Buy to let landlords fighting profit squeeze by setting up as business. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/buy-to-let-landlords-fighting-profit-squeeze-by-setting-up-as-business/ar-BB1h0hx0?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=b80ae9d8018f4899a060805417811f8f&ei=39

Can pop-up shops help to regenerate our High Streets? https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67911127

Sadiq Khan: ‘Free young people from Brexit work and travel ban’. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/jan/20/sadiq-khan-free-young-people-from-brexit-work-and-travel-ban Ooo, dear. Can't be having that. It would be democratic. And 'anti-semitic'.

UK minister condemns ‘disappointing’ Netanyahu rejection of Palestinian state. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/netanyahu-israel-palestine-two-state-uk-us-b2482238.html Typical Shatts bullshit coming as it does from a zionist fake who has spent all his time until now, enabling and speaking up for Izraeli war crimes and genocide. He should be in court facing charges of war crimes himself together with everyone else who has supported the genocidal maniac Twatnyahho and his cowardly, criminal, mass-murdering accomplices.

European manufacturers and retailers face ‘chaotic’ period after Red Sea attacks. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/topstories/european-manufacturers-and-retailers-face-chaotic-period-after-red-sea-attacks/ar-BB1h1386?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=4aaad37ddf644f3eae6c2116d8ffe187&ei=14 Which 'attacks'? Those on the defenceless Palestinian population by the Izraeli/Amerikkan terrorist combo? Or on Yemen by the Amerikkan/Naziland Brexitland/vassal states terrorist combo? Because ships not allied to mass murder, crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing have been getting through the Red Sea without any let or hindrance whatsoever.

More than 100,000 protest across Germany over far-right AfD’s mass deportation meetings. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/21/more-than-100000-protest-across-germany-over-far-right-afds-mass-deportation-meetings This being a splinter group of the Izraeli Nazi IDF which doesn't favour mass deportation but simply murdering an entire population in the form of a holocaust, instead.

21.01.2024: Christmas retail sales much lower than expected. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/christmas-retail-sales-much-lower-than-expected/ar-BB1gVOJV 'Expected' by whom? Brexit lies and misinformation propaganda? (The same as currently doing the rounds for Amerikkan/Izraeli terrorism, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing.)

Brexit divergence from EU destroying UK’s vital environmental protections. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/brexit-divergence-from-eu-destroying-uk-s-vital-environmental-protections/ar-BB1gXqt3?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=0945996ed1d64fea8219f36fb625a25d&ei=26 That was always one of the undercover reasons for promoting Brexit.

Ofcom set to outline reforms that could see Saturday postal deliveries axed. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/technology/ofcom-set-to-outline-reforms-that-could-see-saturday-postal-deliveries-axed/ar-BB1gZbGn?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=f725be4763c4427da6834824cf758766&ei=52

MPs support making it easier for pubs to stay open longer for major occasions. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/mps-support-making-easier-pubs-155103189.html

Rising number of travellers find going solo is the ticket to happiness. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2024/jan/20/ive-made-friends-for-life-rising-number-of-travellers-find-going-solo-is-the-ticket-to-happiness

France and Germany to research provenance of African objects in national museums. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/19/france-germany-research-provenance-african-objects-national-museums They mean, 'Which invading, murdering, thieving French/German illegal migrant stole them'?

Ukraine remains third largest agricultural supplier to EU. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/ukraine-is-third-largest-agricultural-supplier-to-eu/ar-BB1gYhNl?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=99043ca7618e4f019e31af98cc6c43af&ei=65 Not all that much of a 'war' going on then? Not like in Palestine, for example. Or the Yemen.

EU bans cash payments over €10k in battle against terrorism and organised crime. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/eu-bans-cash-payments-over-10k-in-battle-against-terrorism-and-organised-crime/ar-BB1gY7Mi?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=99043ca7618e4f019e31af98cc6c43af&ei=82 Bullshit. Not so much 'terrorism and organised crime' as the taxman. And cash payments of as little as 1000 euros have been banned for some years already - France, for example. Terrorism/organised crime move far larger amounts of money than 'over 10k'. Via mainstream banks and the City, London, for example.

20.01.2024: One third of UK adults will run out of money by the end of January, survey says. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/one-third-uk-adults-run-000100614.html

Irish exporters to GB urged to prepare for new Brexit rules coming into force. https://www.aol.co.uk/irish-exporters-gb-urged-prepare-125516609.html

Openreach to stop analogue service in 46 further phone exchange locations. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/technology/openreach-to-stop-analogue-service-in-46-further-phone-exchange-locations/ar-BB1gWyoj

Lack of confidence in local authority business support. https://www.iod.com/news/governance/iod-press-release-local-authorities-lack-the-capacity-to-effectively-support-business/ A survey of Institute of Directors (IOD) members has revealed that 73% lack confidence in the ability of local authorities to provide effective business support. The IOD claims that local authorities do not have the resources or expertise needed to support businesses. From April 2024, business support provided by LEPs in England will be passed to local authorities.

Registration scheme for visitor accommodation in Wales. https://www.gov.wales/plans-unveiled-statutory-registration-and-licensing-scheme-visitor-accommodation-wales Plans to introduce a statutory registration and licensing scheme for all visitor accommodation in Wales have been announced. The registration and licensing scheme will provide a register of visitor accommodation types and enable providers to demonstrate compliance with safety and quality requirements.

How to make the most cash selling used books online. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/how-to-make-the-most-cash-selling-used-books-online/ar-AA1b5dMO?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=65943e58b35545a3bfadfde613c064b8&ei=22

19.01.2024: SME business activity returns to growth, but priorities are changing. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/sme-business-activity-returns-to-growth-but-priorities-are-changing/ar-AA1nblVo?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=bc54744355624895bcfa7192fe8a8060&ei=33

Almost 5,000 excess deaths last winter caused by cold and damp homes, charities warn. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/almost-5-000-excess-deaths-163722614.html The Turdy regime seems to have been taking lessons from Izraeli invaders and terrorists, the IDF!

Russia preparing to ban Britain from fishing for cod and haddock in Barents Sea. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/russia-preparing-ban-britain-fishing-091028186.html

Continuing Red Sea attacks on cargo ships ‘concerning’ and 'illegal', says arch-hypocrite, terrorist, war crime and genocide-enabler, Skunk. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/continuing-red-sea-attacks-on-cargo-ships-concerning-says-sunak/ar-AA1nb3YK?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=d4f603f7e7c249ca88f0e0f7d1951be2&ei=38 Izraeli, Amerikkan and Naziland Brexitland ships engaged in the illegal invasion of Palestine, war crimes, terrorism, genocide and ethnic cleansing (as well as 9 years of continuing attacks on Yemen) are the sole targets. Ships of other nationalities are not being threatened. The significant reduction of cargo traffic through the Panama Canal and European waterways such as the Rhine, due to climate change, is far more 'concerning'.

Chinese premier hails 'co-operation' with Ireland; Irish beef exports resumed. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/national/chinese-premier-hails-co-operation-with-ireland-and-resumes-beef-exports/vi-AA1n8sK0?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=bc54744355624895bcfa7192fe8a8060&ei=94#details

More than a third of Fakebook Marketplace ads could be scams - with customers losing up to £60m in 2023, study finds. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/more-than-a-third-of-facebook-marketplace-ads-could-be-scams-with-customers-losing-up-to-60m-in-2023-study-finds/ar-AA1n9oJ3?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=75b2617d05a046a6ac5855281f33eabd&ei=20 Well it's not called 'Fakebook' by accident!

Train tickets, says Which?, cost more at station machines than when bought from the Trainline. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/train-tickets-says-which-cost-more-at-station-machines-than-when-bought-from-the-trainline/ar-AA1nbsbG?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=810082e647464c9b85ca4369cedb0fcc&ei=41

Every child needs to learn about dangers of getting into debt. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/every-child-needs-to-learn-about-dangers-of-getting-into-debt/ar-AA1hQQBe?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=eb76e8a2c646401882d090c9dfc43b5b&ei=64

The world cannot depend on the US to keep trade peace. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/topstories/the-world-cannot-depend-on-the-us-to-keep-trade-peace/ar-AA1n9UxA?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=bc54744355624895bcfa7192fe8a8060&ei=50 Quite so. In fact the only thing the world can depend upon is the Terrorist States of Amerikka disrupting trade peace.

Amerikka isn’t Britain’s special friend. It couldn’t care less. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/america-isn-t-britain-special-070000263.html An unusual article to appear in a zionist rag which fills its pages with WTF cares Amerikkan terrorist propaganda, lies, misinformation and dross about who it is currently murdering or robbing. And the assertion is also, wrong. The US needs its colony Fagland Brexitland to show the world that it is not the only pariah state out there. Well. Apart from its ally, the Terrorist State of Izrael, that is.

'Nazis, no thank you; we've got enough already - (although they are called zionists these days)'; Germans take to streets to call for AfD ban. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/nazis-no-thank-you-germans-take-to-streets-to-call-for-afd-ban/ar-AA1n723B?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=07dc5d1131de46098f0f2b31bfec46ab&ei=34 Yes, but will that make German trains run on time?

EU condemns Germany for pledging £6bn Ukraine aid. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/eu-condemns-germany-pledging-6bn-115908244.html There's a big gap between German 'pledges' and actual delivery. (Like Naziland Brexitland.) However, current EU policy is that all funds for terrorist activity should be channeled towards the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians who are a much softer touch.

French forests: Putting down roots. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/video/news/french-forests-putting-down-roots/vi-AA1nbNtf?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=5471283462a143baa20b201b0d88eda0&ei=35#details French greenwashing propaganda at its worst. The reason 'urban forests' are in the news is because French natural woodland is being massacred on an industrial scale, without a commensurate re-planting programme, to provide wood pellets for so-called modern 'eco-woodburners'. Buyers of 'ze French dream' properties overlooking or adjacent to woodland - beware. (In fact - BEWARE any property in a rural location as there are two sets of laws in France. The first, for the vast majority of decent, law-abdiding citizens. The second, for farmer emmerdeurs - 'mafia paysan' - for the construction of everything and anything from polluting industrial pig farms to polluting industrial methane plants with nothing but a token nod to traditional rural values, property values, public health and security and the common good generally.)

18.01.2024: Company insolvencies on track for 14-year annual high after December rise. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/company-insolvencies-on-track-for-14-year-annual-high-after-december-rise/ar-AA1n43NT?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=1923bc2bc93f431cbe46e1a581349110&ei=27

43% of adults ‘expect household finances to get worse this year’. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/43-of-adults-expect-household-finances-to-get-worse-this-year/ar-AA1n3B91?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=1923bc2bc93f431cbe46e1a581349110&ei=72

Number of homeowners renting a room jumps 89%... as average lodger now pays £739 a month. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/homeandproperty/number-of-homeowners-renting-a-room-jumps-89-as-average-lodger-now-pays-739-a-month/ar-AA1n6vHy?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=262e24a15ac84ecbb22deb971cdb719e&ei=50

Current VAT threshold poses threat to small business growth, FSB warns. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/current-vat-threshold-poses-threat-to-small-business-growth-fsb-warns/ar-AA1n4xEc?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=e55f1016195f428085e620837e98be23&ei=31

Self-employed should get unemployment benefits. https://www.freelanceinformer.com/news/ifs-report-greater-sick-pay-benefits-for-self-employed-should-be-up-for-discussion-2/ The Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) has published a research paper examining the labour market risks associated with being self-employed. According to the IFS, the self-employed are subject to larger earnings fluctuations than employees and they frequently transition into unemployment. Access to unemployment benefits could significantly help the self-employed by making them less likely to go from self-employment to unemployment.

Guidance to help SMEs use online services. https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/blog-post/using-online-services-safely The National Cyber Security Centre has published guidance to help small organisations use online or cloud services more securely, so that they are less likely to be victims of cyberattacks. The guidance is specifically aimed at SMEs who do not have access to dedicated IT/support staff.

BT scraps above-inflation price rises for mobile and broadband customers. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/bt-scraps-above-inflation-price-rises-for-mobile-and-broadband-customers/ar-AA1n4rtz?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=1923bc2bc93f431cbe46e1a581349110&ei=76

How HMRC went from gold standard to total shambles... by insiders who witnessed the decline. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/how-hmrc-went-from-gold-standard-to-total-shambles-by-insiders-who-witnessed-the-decline/ar-AA1n5A0g?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=1923bc2bc93f431cbe46e1a581349110&ei=66

17.01.2024: Young people may be missing out because of home working, says Gillian Keegan. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/young-people-may-missing-because-145009494.html They are missing out on a lot more because of piss-poor education, even worse media content and dummyphone addiction than 'working from home'. (Gillian Keegan is, apparently, the Education Secretary.)

Talent deficit undermining green building renovation, say officials. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/talent-deficit-undermining-green-building-renovation-say-officials/ar-AA1n4scB?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=a0be2fc70c3e4464a257313e7f608d34&ei=17 Nothing to do with 'working from home' then? Mind you, in Naziland Brexitland there's even a 'talent deficit' in jerry-built modern slums.

Post Office scandal: Fujitsu boss apologises to Horizon victims as inquiry hears company 'knew of tech problem'. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/post-office-scandal-fujitsu-boss-apologises-to-horizon-victims-as-inquiry-hears-company-knew-of-tech-problem/ar-AA1n3iZD?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=1694c5c936c34fc1bb83a6b09d9b8a4f&ei=12 They didn't have any choice but to make these admissions! It was writ large on every single wall in the country. Still - apology out of the way, let's now to proceed to perjury, fraud and manslaughter.

Horizon system data still used in court proceedings, Fujitsu employee says. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/horizon-system-data-still-used-in-court-proceedings-fujitsu-employee-says/ar-AA1n3V1y?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=1694c5c936c34fc1bb83a6b09d9b8a4f&ei=22 Obviously - because the country's judiciary is too stupid to rule it out.

First international guideline on AI safety published by UK standards body. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/first-international-guideline-ai-safety-000100196.html Well we know that can be trusted, don't we?! Written by Fujitsu, was it?

Five EU members sign letter to Brussels demanding customs duties on Ukrainian food products. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/five-eu-members-sign-letter-to-brussels-demanding-customs-duties-on-ukrainian-food-products/ar-AA1n0U6x?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=661efc7ee0b44153890b7108ea7b8cd6&ei=63 The realities of supporting the Amerikkan-backed Ukrainian Nazi puppet regime and murder industry profits, beginning to dawn. And it's not just customs duties which are being sought.

Romanian truck drivers and farmers protest as talks with the government fail to reach an agreement. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/romanian-truck-drivers-and-farmers-protest-as-talks-with-the-government-fail-to-reach-an-agreement/ar-AA1n0xuX?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=57e743a093924b20b7cce1a2c54d8525&ei=20 So - Romania's population hasn't all moved to Naziland Brexitland then? As predicted by hate-preaching zionist gutter rags. Or was that because it became the Albanians, instead. Nope. Not them, either. So who are the flavour of the day 'illegal migrants' at present? Apart from the Amerikkans, Izraelis and Brexitlanders, etc, fouling up the world but never getting an appropriate mention?

The beautiful seaside city named Eastern Europe's best place to live. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/travel/news/the-beautiful-seaside-city-named-eastern-europe-s-best-place-to-live/ar-AA1mS71J?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=8d944a9a4dea452092b4f93b734ebaec&ei=23 Unsurprisingly for this zionist propaganda rag, it can't even get the 6-letter spelling of this 'city' right! That's the problem with distributing little more than Amerikkan/Izraeli lies and misinformation all the time. It doesn't require knowledge.

16.01.2024: Small businesses expect positive year despite ‘incredibly challenging’ 2023. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/small-businesses-expect-positive-year-despite-incredibly-challenging-2023/ar-AA1mYJ8n?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=66b898f40fcc46f1b60f76f105188351&ei=45

A sign of the times: Pawnbroker Ramsdens cheers ‘milestone’ year as cash-strapped Brits flog valuables. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/a-sign-of-the-times-pawnbroker-ramsdens-cheers-milestone-year-as-cash-strapped-brits-flog-valuables/ar-AA1mZ1Mx?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=f0259c4425244a41af19b317d3a1baaa&ei=33 Now there's another Brexit 'success story'. Broken Brits selling their heirlooms to pay for food and heating.

Clamron cannot recall ‘in any detail’ being briefed on Horizon scandal as PM. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/14/david-cameron-cannot-recall-briefed-horizon-scandal-as-pm Too busy licking Amerikkan/Izraeli arse and aiding and abetting terrorism, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Skunk 'will not hesitate' to protect UK security after Yemen airstrikes. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/sunak-will-not-hesitate-to-protect-uk-security-after-yemen-airstrikes/ar-AA1mYYw2?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=b011647dbfea4f46bb7d3e6a6b189ad5&ei=22 So - after 9 years of helping Izraeli, Saudi and Amerikkan terrorists and war criminals murder half a million Yemeni civilians (and mainly children, as always) as well as help produce the world's largest humanitarian crisis, it seerms that hasn't been enough! The truth is, Skunk couldn't even 'protect' the end of his diminuitive cock much less 'UK security'. Assuming it's the 'UK's' secuity he really means.

Elon Musk has become the world’s biggest hypocrite on free speech. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/elon-musk-has-become-the-world-s-biggest-hypocrite-on-free-speech/ar-AA1mZDdh?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=b9b2044128294f0596268b987d2f7423&ei=43 Opinion piece in a zionist propaganda rag. Comments blocked.

UN appeals for $4.2 billion to support war-ravaged Ukraine, refugees. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/un-appeals-for-4-2-billion-to-support-war-ravaged-ukraine-refugees/ar-AA1mZayc?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=f0259c4425244a41af19b317d3a1baaa&ei=39 Why not get the Amerikkan/EU/Naziland Brexitland murder industries to stump up? They've made huge profits out of the 'war' so far. As for the 'millions' of refugees, they're going to Rwanda, aren't they? To join all the other millions of refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Asia, put out of home and country by Amerikkan/Izraeli/Coalition of Evil terrorism.

Novelist breaks with Nazi German publisher amid call for wider cultural boycott of Amerikkan/Izraeli terrorism. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/15/novelist-lana-bastasic-breaks-with-german-publisher-cultural-boycott-israel-gaza

Izraeli footballer reportedly arrested after displaying pro-Izraeli terrorist message during match in Turkey. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/14/turkish-prosecutors-investigate-israeli-footballers-gaza-gesture The larger question: why are Izraeli terrorist culture and sportwashing arrangements being allowed to continue? There are problems enough with zionist hate marches being allowed to take place (duly attended by migrant Turdy/Nazi gobshites like Pooella Cravenwoman abd Blairite war criminals) and although the numbers are relatively small compared to the turnouts for peace protests, zionist propaganda still tries to project them as being significant. And just as in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, even small numbers initially, can finally have a tragic effect.

15.01.2024: Getting the most out of the gig economy as a small business owner. https://startups.co.uk/blog/leverage-gig-economy/

The “Look” That Pays: Why Freelancers With Glasses (And Sometimes Beards) Get More Gigs (according to Harvard). https://www.freelanceinformer.com/news/the-look-that-pays-why-freelancers-with-glasses-and-sometimes-beards-get-more-gigs-according-to-harvard/ Isn't that 'anti-semitic'?

Vodafone down: Phone network not working leaving users unable get internet or call. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/technology/vodafone-down-phone-network-not-working-leaving-users-unable-get-internet-or-call/ar-AA1mK4Tr?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=b20f354236424b36813b8678a077e492&ei=23 Again?!!! After the Post Office/Fujitsu shitshow, the whole telecomms sector needs looking at while its management are behind bars. The money which these crooks have cost the country and small businesses especially, is astronomical.

Oil Rush: How criminal gangs and thugs are targeting pubs and supermarkets for 'liquid gold' cooking oil which can be converted to biofuel and sold on black. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/oil-rush-how-criminal-gangs-and-thugs-are-targeting-pubs-and-supermarkets-for-liquid-gold-cooking-oil-which-can-be-converted-to-biofuel-and-sold-on-black-market/ar-AA1mVl3f?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=f68b28993757423b8cab1d8456cd44ee&ei=33 Copying the examples set by Amerikkan/Izraeli/Naziland Brexitland oil-grubbing criminals. Minus the invasions, the bombings and the genocide, of course. Two-bit losers that the gangs are.

Why Russia's economy is doing better than predicted. https://moneyweek.com/economy/global-economy/why-russias-economy-is-doing-better-than-predicted 'Predicted' by who/what? Amerikkan/zionist terrorist propaganda?

The real reporters risking their lives to cover the Izrael-Hamas 'war'. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/gaza-palestine-israel-journalists-killed-b2468465.html And not a single propagandascheisewriter from any cowardly, zionist terrorist rag among them. Surprise, surprise.

‘It is a time of witch hunts in Izrael’. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/13/it-is-a-time-of-witch-hunts-in-israel-teacher-held-in-solitary-confinement-for-posting-concern-about-gaza-deaths Classic Nazi racism/'anti-semitism'. And it's not just Izrael of course, but Amerikka, Germany, France and Naziland Brexitland, too.

Ukraine presents peace formula to meeting of national security advisers at Davos. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/jan/14/russia-ukraine-war-live-frances-new-foreign-minister-pledges-continued-support-for-ukraine-in-visit Isn't it curious how Amerikkan terrorist puppet, Yellerzinski, forwards a 'peace plan' the moment Amerikkan terrorist funding runs out?

Reclaim your brain subscriber survey: tell us about your phone use. https://www.theguardian.com/global/2024/jan/05/reclaim-your-brain-subscriber-survey-tell-us-about-your-phone-use Based on the assumption that dummyphone addicts have enough brain left to be able to complete the survey.

14.01.2024: Thousands of restaurants and pubs closing across UK blame soaring bills among pressures they face. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/hospitality-industry-closures-energy-bills-covid-b2473830.html That will be another Brexit 'success story' then.

Turdies urged to end ‘idiotic’ £1.8bn tax break for UK fishing fleet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/13/polluting-tax-breaks-on-diesel-for-british-fishing-fleet-worth-up-to-18bn-a-decade And how much does the UK's 'idiotic' tax break for the country's zionist misinformation media and terrorist propaganda cost?

Post Office could face £100m bill and insolvency over Horizon compensation tax break, expert claims. https://news.sky.com/story/post-office-could-face-100m-bill-and-insolvency-over-horizon-compensation-tax-relief-expert-claims-13047225 Musn't gloat. It's not enough, after all.

'Migrants' cross English Channel to UK for first time in 2024. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/migrants-cross-english-channel-uk-085700247.html 'Refugees', actually. From Amerikkan/its crony terrorist murder zones. So - no crossings for 27 days. Crossings falling year-on-year since 2018. Must keep this story down or there won't be anything for the Turdy regime's Nazi gobshites to snivel about. The thinking public might even start to question the need for the £ multi-billion Rwanda scam (plan)!

Multimillionaire creates 'bin pods' for rough sleepers by joining wheelie bins together. https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/multimillionaire-creates-bin-pods-rough-31850823 Now all we need are a few Turdy (guinea) pigs to test them out! How about 30 Pee Wankerson and his 'real world' friends?

World food goes mainstream – Eating at home doesn’t have to be boring. https://wholesalemanager.co.uk/world-food-goes-mainstream-eating-at-home-doesnt-have-to-be-boring/

Germany rejects genocide charges brought against Israel by South Africa. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240113-germany-rejects-genocide-charges-brought-against-israel-by-south-africa/ Nazis sticking together like shit to a blanket - as usual.

How the Mindset in Germany That Led to the Holocaust Now Enables Israel’s Genocide in Gaza. https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/01/12/how-the-mindset-in-germany-that-led-to-the-holocaust-now-enables-israels-genocide-in-gaza/

France refused to support continuing British and US terrorist airstrikes on Yemen. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/france-refused-sign-statement-supporting-155902798.html Good for France. For a change. Nice to read a story about a country which isn't an automatic zionist terrorist arse-licker. Like Naziland Brexitland.

13.01.2024: Brexit will leave UK £300bn worse off by 2035, say economists. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-uk-economy-damage-report-b2477572.html Or, according to Brexiteers, currently on a genocide rampage through the Middle East, yet another Brexit 'success story.'

Supermarket accepts smaller vegetables in bid to help flood-hit farmers. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/supermarket-accepts-smaller-vegetables-bid-092232226.html

Average adult withdrew around £1,500 from ATMs last year, says Link. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/average-adult-withdrew-around-1-000100491.html

eBay ordered to pay couple $3m after senior executives sent bloody pig mask and live cockroaches. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/ebay-ordered-to-pay-couple-3m-after-senior-executives-sent-bloody-pig-mask-and-live-cockroaches/ar-AA1mRQ4S?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=3038d7ed191f4853a712575b57bc0b7a&ei=4#comments Sounds like almost typical Amerikkan terrorist behaviour. Minus the 2000 lb bomb raids.

U.S. suspends military aid to Ukraine - White House. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/u-suspends-military-aid-ukraine-120200164.html Entirely as predicted by proper news outlets. Amerikkan/Izraeli/allied terrorists can now concentrate on murdering thousands of civilians (and mainly women and children) who can't fight back. Much easier money.

War criminal Riski Skunk makes 'surprise' visit to Ukraine after launching Yemen strike. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/ukraine-sunak-funding-uk-war-putin-b2477461.html Promising a further £2.5 billion in 'military aid' to persuade Ukrainians to continue killing themselves and destroying their country, he added, 'Our cheque will be in the post.'

War criminal Skunk says Naziland Brexitland must send strong signal to 'Houthis' after missile attack. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/yemen-houthi-rebels-uk-us-airstrikes-red-sea-b2477504.html And for how many years have Skunk, his predecessors and his war criminal allies been 'sending strong signals' to the civilian population of the Yemen with over 100,000 murdered so far and one of the world's largest current humanitarian crises?

Coalition of Evil's continued strikes on Yemen could bring Bidet closer to the regional war he sought to 'avoid'. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/12/yemen-houthi-airstrikes-red-sea-crisis-joe-biden-us-uk-australia 'Avoid'? Either this propagandascheisewriter is pissed or we can make-believe it's just another typo. Another 'war' is precisely what Bidet's zionist terrorist administration is looking for. Plus a suitable excuse to hike prices, especially of oil. And who is the world's largest oil producer. Why, the Terrorist States of Amerikka, of course!

Jewish students condemn antisemitic tweets about French PM Gabriel Attal. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/12/jewish-students-condemn-antisemitic-tweets-french-pm-gabriel-attal-homophobia For a PM, insults are part of the job description. On the other hand, one has yet to hear of French Jewish students' condemnation of Izraeli 'anti-semitic' apartheid, mass murder, terrorism, war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. These past 75 years.

It’s not just Israel in the dock over genocide, it’s everyone who looked away. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/12/israel-gaza-genocide-south-africa-the-hague And in between those two extremes of the scum spectrum, there are the politicians and the media who have aided and abetted genocide - not just in the Middle East but all around the world. These are the criminals who should be in the dock, too.

12.01.2024: Rural homeowners turn to Elon Musk after endless wait for ultra-fast broadband: Villagers install billionaire's £449 Starlink satellite devices after enduring delays of up to three years. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/technology/rural-homeowners-turn-to-elon-musk-after-endless-wait-for-ultra-fast-broadband-villagers-install-billionaire-s-449-starlink-satellite-devices-after-enduring-delays-of-up-to-three-years-for-connection-as-map-shows-streets-with-uk-s-slowest-speeds/ar-AA1mL6Yo?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=5f2ab1b58c4e43b69468d6581b9bb9ff&ei=29

Rental growth slowed in 2023 – is buy-to-let still profitable? https://moneyweek.com/investments/property/rental-growth-slowed-in-2023-is-buy-to-let-still-profitable

Startup School for Seniors Steps Up as Growing Numbers of Over-50s Embrace Self-Employment. https://www.newbusiness.co.uk/articles/starting-a-business/startup-school-seniors-steps-up-growing-numbers-over50s-embrace-selfemp

MISS MONEYSAVER: How to help your kids become budding entrepreneurs. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/miss-moneysaver-how-to-help-your-kids-become-budding-entrepreneurs/ar-AA19SDY3?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=5f2ab1b58c4e43b69468d6581b9bb9ff&ei=49

Airbnb owner lists tents in living room for London tourists – and charges £68 a night. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/airbnb-host-london-tents-living-room-b2476839.html

Tesco issues dire warning over supermarket food prices due to Red Sea crisis. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/tesco-issues-dire-warning-over-supermarket-food-prices-due-to-red-sea-crisis/ar-AA1mNzDJ?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=60fc0d056e884f0aa86cb8d510b17a00&ei=31 As we warned. Price increases on the way again. And, once again, thanks to Amerikkan and Izraeli terrorism.

Starbucks sued by consumer group that calls its claim of ethical sourcing false and misleading. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/starbucks-sued-by-consumer-group-that-calls-its-claim-of-ethical-sourcing-false-and-misleading/ar-AA1mNsDR?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=60fc0d056e884f0aa86cb8d510b17a00&ei=58 Plus they are supporters of Izraeli terrorism, crimes against humanity, war crimes, mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Car-free tour of East Sussex: waterside walks, woods and delicious food stops. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2024/jan/11/car-free-tour-of-east-sussex-waterside-walks-woods-and-delicious-food-stops

We have a tool to stop Israel’s war crimes: BDS. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/10/only-outside-pressure-can-stop-israels-war-crimes It isn't enough to stop Izraeli war crimes and genocide but it is a move in the right direction. What is really needed is for Izrael to be 'liberated' by an international force of occupation, just as Amerikkan terrorists 'liberated' Iraq. But of course, the real evil behind Izrael? The Amerikkans themselves. Anything and everything Amerikkan should be boycotted too. And the formation of a real International Court of Justice which isn't cowed by Amerikkan threats of reprisals, begins trying Amerikkan war criminals and their arse-lickin' cronies like Baby Butcher Blair. That'll keep it busy for the next 1000 years!

A year later, Canada's promised air defense system not yet delivered to Ukraine. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/media-a-year-later-canada-s-promised-air-defense-system-not-yet-delivered-to-ukraine/ar-AA1mKwSC?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=5f2ab1b58c4e43b69468d6581b9bb9ff&ei=41 Is that supposed to be a surprise?!

Nazis in the US no longer see backing Ukraine as a worthy cause. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/11/american-neo-nazi-not-fighting-russia-ukraine-war-far-right-extremist US taxpayers' money for Ukraine is about to dry up, in other words, to concentrate on Izrael's Nazis instead.

11.01.2024: ‘Cheap food’ policy driving out British producers, MPs hear. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/cheap-food-policy-driving-british-165033590.html Sadly, a significant number of the population can't even afford 'cheap food', as Turdy 'policy' prioritises spending taxpayers' money on terrorism, mass murder, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing, instead.

Support for food producers in Scotland. https://www.gov.scot/news/supporting-small-producers/ Small food producers in Scotland will be able to access a range of new support through a government pilot to help them become more sustainable. The Small Producers Pilot Fund has been allocated over £180,000 which will be used to help small producers and crofters establish more localised supply chains and cut food miles.

Working from home back in vogue for SMEs facing cost crunch. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/working-from-home-back-in-vogue-for-smes-facing-cost-crunch/ar-AA1mJyBN?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=117a68259437427fa5261827dde1a1c1&ei=63

Martin Lewis explains which eBay sellers don't need to pay tax as new rules announced. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/martin-lewis-explains-which-ebay-sellers-don-t-need-to-pay-tax-as-new-rules-announced/ar-AA1mKLk5?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=117a68259437427fa5261827dde1a1c1&ei=67 In other words, Brexit gutter media got their so-called 'reporting' wrong again! That's the problem with peddling propaganda all the time. Hacks and editors lose sight of what the public expects of them.

Polish minister opposes extending EU free trade agreement with Ukraine. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/media-polish-minister-opposes-extending-eu-free-trade-agreement-with-ukraine/ar-AA1mKQjv?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=117a68259437427fa5261827dde1a1c1&ei=52 Let's see the wealthy French, the Germans, the Brexiteers and the Amerikkans pick up the 'free trade' (bullshit) tab for a change instead of Ukraine's immediate neighbours all the time.

Skunk confirms new law to exonerate wrongly convicted subpostmasters amid Post Office scandal fallout. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/sunak-post-office-scandal-bill-exonerated-b2476294.html Eventually - after more than 20 years - and only because the whole shitshow appeared on telly and especially during election year, couldn't be ignored by bent Turdy politicians any longer. Now let's continue with a few 'rightful' convictions.

Horizon scandal subpostmasters could have names cleared by end of year. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/horizon-scandal-subpostmasters-could-have-names-cleared-by-end-of-year/ar-AA1mKQbA?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=425e70715b154657859cf1d595b9bc3a&ei=12 Not a process which moves at the same speed as the Turdy regime's immediate commitment to Amerikkan/Izraeli war crimes and genocide, then?

Around 1,000 people affected by Post Office scandal face looming tax deadline. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/around-1-000-people-affected-131533620.html

Landlords will be forced to fix mouldy homes within 24 hours after tragic death of toddler. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/awaab-ishak-mouldy-homes-housing-michael-gove-b2475516.html

Second-home owners hit with fresh crackdown in Wales. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/second-homeowners-hit-fresh-crackdown-122559712.html

£6m fine for online gaming operator Gamesys. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/6m-fine-online-gaming-operator-104948471.html

Amerikkan/Jewish terrorist representative, Stinkin' Finken, 'tells' Terrorist State of Izrael: Palestinian rights are key to peace. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/09/violence-in-gaza-persists-as-antony-blinken-seeks-consensus-in-middle-east While the Terrorist States of Amerikka and its cowardly, snivelling allies provide $ billions in aid and armaments with which to continue murdering tens of thousands of innocent and defenceless Palestinians (mainly women and children) and their neighbours as they have been doing for the past 75 years. To steal their land, to steal their resources, to fuel the profits of the western murder industry, to maintain Middle East instability and to drive the global refugee crisis. In other words, today's latest terrorist propaganda bollox.

Illegal tunnel discovered under Brooklyn synagogue. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/video/news/illegal-tunnel-discovered-under-synagogue/vi-AA1mJyfm?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=32929b92c4c1407686057bb39ec1f7df&ei=45 This will be the one which was recently filmed as a 'Hamas' central operations centre by zionist terrorist fake news, misinformation and propaganda, no doubt. Now reverted to its original purpose as a command post for Izraeli terrorism, war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing.

10.01.2024: Weak sales growth ends ‘sluggish’ year for retailers. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/weak-sales-growth-ends-sluggish-000100692.html 'Sluggish'? That's one way to describe record levels of insolvencies, we suppose.

Impact of Brexit and pandemic increased insolvencies. https://www.creditsafe.com/gb/en/blog/reports/insolvencies.html A total of 30,199 UK businesses became insolvent in 2023, which is 52% higher than in 2021. The increase has been attributed to the delayed impact of Brexit and the pandemic. According to Creditsafe, construction, wholesale and retail, and accommodation and food services were the sectors which accounted for the most insolvencies.

Increase in number of self-employed aged over 50. https://www.ipse.co.uk/ipse-news/news-listing/more-than-one-million-over-50s-work-for-themselves.html According to IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed), in 2023 there were 1.1 million self-employed business owners aged 50 and over, an increase of 89,000 since 2020. This is despite the total self-employed population falling by 154,000 over the same period.

Post Office firm Fujitsu’s £19m Government floods contract renewed days before ITV drama. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/post-office-firm-fujitsu-s-19m-government-floods-contract-renewed-days-before-itv-drama/ar-AA1mDQ9t?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=7ffc0b289f38487cb48bb57e5546b5af&ei=7 Not to mention Fujitsu's multi-£ billion role in the NHS database, preparing the ground for an inevitable takeover by Amerikkan terrorist corporate vultures. No wonder the bent Turdy regime has been dragging its heels in getting to the bottom of any Post Office-related scandal!

Post Office scandal – live: Paula Vennells hands back CBE after more than 1 million sign petition. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/post-office-scandal-paula-vennells-bates-b2475635.html Nothing like enough. Sell her house. Clear out all her assets. Tar and feather the woman. Run her out of society. Then - turn the spotlight onto every civil servant, consultant and politician associated at any level whatsoever with Fujitsu. (Although whether the zionist gutter media will find enough 'reporting' room in its columns to keep pace with events while providing propaganda and misinformation services to Amerikkan/Izraeli terrorists, is a moot point.)

‘Farming is a dirty word now’: the woman helping farmers navigate a grim, uncertain future. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/09/farming-is-a-dirty-word-now-the-woman-helping-farmers-navigate-a-grim-uncertain-future

Farmer Tom praises community spirit as 460 fruit trees planted on farm. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/foodanddrink/other/farmer-tom-praises-community-spirit-as-460-fruit-trees-planted-on-farm/ar-AA1mGmDI?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=935500b614584bde9d2540171aac4501&ei=14 Way to go. Let's hope he had enough beers to hand out.

Barclays issue warning as scam sees criminals sneak into personal devices to steal cash. https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/barclays-issue-warning-scam-sees-31841837

South Korea passes bill banning production and sale of dog meat. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/09/south-korea-votes-to-ban-production-and-sale-of-dog-meat So what are we going to do with ex-Turdy MPs now?

09.01.2024: WC & G (war crime & genocide) Labour writes to Treasury over ‘misleading’ social media posts on tax changes. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/labour-writes-treasury-over-misleading-203622981.html Obviously not fake 'anti-semitism' then.

Zionist and genocide-enabler Barmier must explain why he didn’t intervene in Horizon scandal, says Four-Faced Fartrage. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/why-did-keir-starmer-not-132048309.html Too busy preparing the groundwork for the latest Izraeli holocaust, genocide and ethnic cleansing programme by getting rid of Jeremy Corbyn and all the other decent party members. And - it would have been 'anti-semitic'.

Al Jazeera accuses Israel of targeted killing of two of its journalists in Gaza. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/08/al-jazeera-accuses-israel-of-targeted-strike-as-two-of-its-journalists-killed-in-gaza That's only 2 journalists out of 105 (just so far) murdered by cowardly Amerikkan/EU/Naziland Brexitland-backed Izraeli terrorist vermin, making sure the truth is suppressed with the help of skewed reporting, lies and misinformation by genocide-enabling western zionist propaganda. After all, what are 2 or even 102 journalists when it helps to distract from the murder of more than 25,000 'ordinary' civilians? For the time being.

08.01.2024: More than half of people do not have a financial plan in place – survey. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/more-half-people-not-financial-070046060.html Bad news for Turdy regime sponsors and donors. Their target is that 99% should be without a financial plan, the only exception being offshore, tax-dodging corporate parasites.

UK lagging behind G7 rivals in household budgets – research. https://www.lse.co.uk/news/uk-lagging-behind-g7-rivals-in-household-budgets-research-sgmxx92stn9bkh6.html Spending uncontrolled sums of money on terrorist vermin giving zero return for 99% of the country's taxpayers/populace.

Riski Skunk considers plan to exonerate Post Office Horizon scandal victims. (After 25 years) https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/07/rishi-sunak-plan-exonerate-post-office-horizon-scandal-victims Only 'considering', eh? It's a shame Skunk can't do his 'exonerating' with the same alacrity as his help with the genocide and ethnic cleansing of innocent, defenceless Palestinian civilians by Amerikkan-backed Izraeli terrorists. But then again - wouldn't want to waste a super-expensive public school wanker education in fagging, bullying, snivelling and cowardice, would we?

Petition to strip ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells of her CBE for Horizon scandal hits 800,000. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/petition-to-strip-ex-post-office-boss-paula-vennells-of-her-cbe-hits-800-000/ar-AA1mwVJn Let's not start getting democratic and seeking justice here. That would be 'anti-semitic'.

Brexit’s pint-sized ‘benefits’ are a measure of its failure. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/07/brexits-pint-sized-benefits-are-a-measure-of-its-failure Not 'a failure' at all. For zionist terrorists.

School kids name the top ways to run a business - from equal wage to being kind. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/school-kids-name-the-top-ways-to-run-a-business-from-equal-wage-to-being-kind/ar-AA1bij2o?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=186fd28160d5496893b440bcd8549a46&ei=39 Oh, dear. The poor luvvies.

UK accused of hypocrisy in not backing claim of genocide in Gaza before ICJ. https://www.theguardian.com/law/2024/jan/07/uk-accused-of-hypocrisy-in-not-backing-claim-of-genocide-in-gaza-before-icj The UK - together with the Terrorist States of Amerikka and France - doesn't and never has - practised anything else. That's why it's very good for obtaining new trade deals, is being a pariah state.

Terrorist State of Izrael says it has completed its crimes against humanity, mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing mission in northern Gaza with the backing of the Terrorist States of Amerikka, the EU and Naziland Brexitland as over 25,000 Palestinians so far, over half of them women and children, lie dead. (Excluding the tens of thousands previously murdered over the past 75 years.) https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/jan/07/middle-east-crisis-live-israel-west-bank-jenin-palestinian-ministry-latest-updates

Polish farmers suspend their blockade at the Ukrainian border after a deal with the government. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/polish-farmers-suspend-their-blockade-at-the-ukrainian-border-after-a-deal-with-the-government/ar-AA1myDtE?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=186fd28160d5496893b440bcd8549a46&ei=52 Now let's see what French farmers are going to do . . .

Moon’s resources could be ‘destroyed by thoughtless exploitation’, Nasa warned. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/jan/06/moons-resources-could-be-destroyed-by-thoughtless-exploitation-nasa-warned Which is why NASA and the Terrorist States of Amerikka are already up there to make sure they destroy them first.

07.01.2024: Police investigate ‘potential fraud offences’ during Post Office IT scandal. https://www.aol.co.uk/police-investigate-potential-fraud-offences-222034716.html Finally, finally, finally. After twenty-five years. And only because the story wouldn't go away. Now - how many years more will it be before the real Post Office crooks finally end up behind bars? And how much more is it going to cost the taxpayer?

How Wetherspoons became the most divisive establishment in Britain. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/wetherspoons-tim-martin-honours-controversy-brexit-b2473235.html 'The most divisive establishment in Britain'? I see today's hacks still aren't getting out much.

‘They live absolutely horrible lives’: RSPCA vows to reform treatment of chickens in UK. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/06/rspca-vows-reform-absolutely-horrible-treatment-poultry-uk Perhaps they should put some IDF terrorists in charge who have all the skills needed to put an end to 'absolutely horrible lives' with a few 2000 lb bombs supplied by their Amerikkan terrorist backers.

McDonald's hit by Israel-Gaza 'misinformation'. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67885910 Hard to see how the 'misinformation' being circulated in western zionist propaganda could be affecting MuckDonalds. 'The truth', offered by independent reporting, on the other hand . . . ?

Terrorgraph takeover: Gulf bidders promise press freedom. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67874362 The 'freedom' to continue circulating Amerikkan/Izraeli terrorist propaganda and misinformation?

BBC sparks 'fury' after omitting word 'Jewish' from promo for Kindertransport film. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/news/bbc-sparks-fury-after-omitting-word-jewish-from-promo-for-kindertransport-film/ar-AA1muRm2?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=cf301ba3bd47418388cf3622350cec5b&ei=6 'Fury' in the words of a Jewish propaganda rag. How about the global 'fury' at the word 'Jewish' being omitted from the millions of acts of terrorism, mass-murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, racism, thieving, lying - just since the Second World War alone?

It’s like time has stopped’: Israeli families return to the site of the Nova festival massacre. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/06/its-like-time-has-stopped-israeli-families-return-to-the-site-of-the-nova-festival-massacre Any stories in the pipeline from yet another zionist propaganda discharge about the tens of thousands of Palestinian families returning to the sites of their massacres? For the past seventy-five years?

06.01.2024: Construction sector continues decline in December, but pace slows – survey. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/construction-sector-continues-decline-december-101813079.html

‘Not that difficult’ to get on property ladder, NatWest chief claims. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/not-difficult-property-ladder-natwest-090156040.html He's trying to get a 'real world' slot on Garbage & Bullshit (GB) News!

Badornot to push for upgraded trade deal with Turkey during Istanbul visit. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/badenoch-push-upgraded-trade-deal-000100924.html Turdy voters will be able to claim a 5% discount on dental plans and boob enhancements.

Consumer confidence is rising amid gloomy economic news – here’s what that means and why it matters. https://theconversation.com/consumer-confidence-is-rising-amid-gloomy-economic-news-heres-what-that-means-and-why-it-matters-219858 Father Christmas clearly hasn't finished his rounds yet.

It's high time Adam Crozier accounted for his role in the Post Office scandal. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/high-time-adam-crozier-accounted-100000575.html This coming from the selfsame zionist propaganda rag which all those years ago ignored letters of complaint it had been sent flagging up the Post Office/Horizon scandal. It was too busy circulating American/Israeli disinformation and backing a regime which supports corporate incompetence and criminal activity.

Entrepreneurial role models are crucial in motivating aspiring entrepreneurs. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/entrepreneurial-role-models-are-crucial-in-motivating-aspiring-entrepreneurs/ar-AA1mvStJ?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=b7f35c4866724d0685ed90ca7062c3c6&ei=31 Wow. Not heard that before. Like the crooked entrepreneurial role models on the Turdy New Years Honours list every year?

Would-be entrepreneurs turn to arts and crafts to make some extra cash. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/would-be-entrepreneurs-turn-to-arts-and-crafts-to-make-some-extra-cash/ar-AA1muFge?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=da6a904d17604701824a1728b322b18c&ei=23

How high-vis women can build a role in construction. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/how-high-vis-women-can-build-a-role-in-construction/ar-AA1mv5sV?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=da6a904d17604701824a1728b322b18c&ei=32

HMRC jokily reminds darts sensation Luke Littler, 16, of tax due after remarkable World Championship run. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/hmrc-jokily-reminds-darts-sensation-112200310.html That was no joke.

How digitally tracking clothes consumption is taking off online. https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2024/jan/05/how-digitally-tracking-clothes-fashion-consumption-taking-off-online

Desperate Brussels plots power-grab as bloc could slap EU citizens with shameless tax rise (to help finance its support for the Amerikkan-backed Nazi regime of Ukraine and the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by the Amerikkan-backed terrorist state of Izrael.) https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/desperate-brussels-plots-power-grab-as-bloc-could-slap-eu-citizens-with-shameless-tax-rise/ar-AA1mvN9O?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=b7f35c4866724d0685ed90ca7062c3c6&ei=21

Islamophobe and racist Macaron-backed Notre-Dame revamp plans spark fierce online backlash. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/national/controversial-macron-backed-notre-dame-revamp-plans-spark-fierce-online-backlash/ar-AA1mvEa0?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=b7f35c4866724d0685ed90ca7062c3c6&ei=13 What is really surprising is that Macaron hasn't authorised the construction of a methane plant, a wood pellet factory and two industrial pig farms next to the Notre Dame.

Terrorist State of Izrael to withdraw thousands of terrorists from Gaza Strip. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gaza-war-news-hamas-ceasefire-withdrawal-b2472028.html They have obviously run out of defenceless women and children to murder.

Islamic State claims responsibility for Iran bombings that killed at least 84. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/iran-tightens-border-suspicion-kerman-143433105.html Is this the same Islamic State that's financed by Amerikka, France and the European Central Bank? And is is this the same bombing for which responsibility has also been claimed by Amerikkan terrorists? Anyway. All heading nicely towards another western supply chain crisis. Apart from Amerikkan terrorist bombs for Izraeli terrorists.

05.01.2024: Consumer credit borrowing increases at fastest annual rate in five years. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/consumer-credit-borrowing-increases-fastest-104226872.html

'Little luxuries': The affordable treats driving consumer spending. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240104-little-luxuries-the-affordable-treats-driving-consumer-spending

Britain’s service sector ends year with stronger-than-expected growth. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/britain-sector-ends-stronger-expected-104944331.html

US visitors forecast to lead UK tourism recovery in 2024. https://www.thecaterer.com/news/american-visitors-uk-tourism-recovery-forecast-2024 Hasn't the UK got enough terrorists already?

Two fifths of UK business owners have parents who are founders – survey. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/two-fifths-uk-business-owners-000100151.html

Changes to food labelling to encourage buying British. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/changes-food-labelling-encourage-buying-000100633.html All for Buying British. But just as buying 'eco' we suspect this will turn into just another scam to hike prices.

Farmers to be paid hundreds of pounds per hectare to maintain habitats. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/farmers-to-be-paid-hundreds-of-pounds-per-hectare-to-maintain-habitats/ar-AA1ms0DC?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=575c9a17d2d84d69a24940701f591fbb&ei=19

Dutch flower growers call for delays to UK post-Brexit border checks. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/jan/04/dutch-flower-growers-call-for-delays-to-uk-post-brexit-border-checks

UK consumption putting enormous pressure on world’s forests, MPs warn. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/uk-consumption-putting-enormous-pressure-000100707.html And a 'warning' is as far as it will go. Naziland Brexitland's genocide-enabling, terrorist-hugging Turdy regime wouldn't want to be accused of 'anti-semitism'.

Log burners could cut heating bills by up to £128 a year, report finds. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-12922879/Log-burners-cut-heating-bills-128-year-report-finds.html Dear, oh dear. No wonder the country is fcuked.

UK does not cooperate sufficiently over small boat crossings, says French body. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/04/uk-does-not-cooperate-sufficiently-small-boat-crossings-french-body Another war of the black pots 'n kettles. We know how good the French are at 'communicating' every time a Eurostar is cancelled. Or delayed. On the other hand, the last thing Brexitland's politicians want to see is a rapid solution to so-called 'small boat crossings'. It means barstool shitetalkers like Four-Faced Fartrage, Pooella Cravenwoman, Pee Wankerson and Riski Skunk wouldn't have anything left to lie about.

‘I had no idea darts was so gripping’: the new fans attracted by Luke Littler. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/jan/04/i-had-no-idea-the-new-wave-of-fans-attracted-to-darts-by-luke-littler That's because the bent media spends all its time trying to steer its dumb readershits towards professional whoreball where the world's terrorists can divert the public's attention first, before screwing them further by encouraging loadsa gambling immediately afterwards. Let's hope darts doesn't ever get big enough to become corrupted the same way.

04.01.2024: Zionist and genocide-enabler, Kweir Barmier, to promise ‘total crackdown on cronyism’. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/keir-starmer-rishi-sunak-general-election-labour-b2472485.html In other words, it isn't even a waiting-to-be-broken 'promise' yet. And anyway, it would be 'anti-semitic'.

Nationwide Building Society ATM cash withdrawals rise for second year in a row. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/nationwide-building-society-atm-cash-102541466.html Confirming what the Post Office had claimed in the run-up to Christmas: cash is king. Which is why crooks, AI, evil aliens and banks want it gone.

Why 2024 could be the year of the freelancer. https://businesscloud.co.uk/news/why-2024-could-be-the-year-of-the-freelancer/

Eurostar reprimanded by watchdog over £39 fare promotion. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/eurostar-reprimanded-watchdog-over-39-111944101.html Eurostar incompetence without limits.

Ryanair sees hit after removal from online travel agent sites. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/ryanair-sees-hit-removal-online-081317055.html

Young people biggest consumers of low and no-alcohol drinks – survey. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/young-people-biggest-consumers-low-000100326.html Bad news for the Turdies who rely on pissheads for their votes.

Sanctions have not crushed Russia because it's not a state-run economy as the West's 'fairy tales' suggest, says a Russian economist. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/sanctions-not-crushed-russia-because-035236914.html Nor do the Ruskies read or follow the advice (propaganda) contained in the west's taxpayer-subsidised, zionist propaganda.

Worthy Israeli public figures accuse judiciary of ignoring incitement to genocide in Gaza. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/03/israeli-public-figures-accuse-judiciary-of-ignoring-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza Very surprising to see this article make it into the pages of the west's zionist disinformation and terrorist support channels. Prominent Israelis and Jews have condemned the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians for more than 70 years but this almost never gets a mention in the mainstream media. All we ever get to see are lies, propaganda, distortion, conspiracy theories, fake history lessons and non-reporting. Little wonder there has been an explosion in anti-semitic sentiment around the free world. (Apart from it also being fuelled by crimes against humanity, war crimes, terrorism, genocide, mass-murder, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, theft, cowardice and still more lies.)

03.01.2024: Less than a month for nearly 5.7m people to meet self-assessment deadline. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/less-month-nearly-5-7m-112424542.html

‘Side hustle tax’ to see online platforms share seller details with HMRC. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/side-hustle-tax-see-online-125227475.html

UK factory slump deepens as European demand wanes. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/uk-factory-slump-deepens-european-104607924.html Waning European demand is what Brexit traitors and carpetbaggers wanted and promoted, of course. Unfortunately, apart from the murder industry's terrorist customers like Izrael, Saudi Arabia and Ukraine, there are no replacement countries to take up the demand shortfall with even the Amerikkans viewing their colony, Naziland Brexitland, with nothing more than contempt.

Where are the best pubs to head to in 2024? https://beertoday.co.uk/2024/01/02/beer-today-pubs-guide-0124/

02.01.2024: Pro-genocide, Labour war criminals promise farmers new EU deal amid collapse in UK agriculture firms. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-farming-labour-starmer-eu-b2471571.html All part of the party's Flying Pig Manifesto to help it win the next election and not make any difference whatsoever to the plight of the country's non-zionist man.

Banks of the future will use AI to influence financial decisions, say experts. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/banks-future-ai-influence-financial-024532021.html In other words, local banking and cash will be phased out as planned.

Travellers will not need to show passports to enter UK in new trial. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/passport-uk-border-facial-recognition-b2471716.html They will be drowned while crossing the Channel instead.

How to bag a powerful passport – and fly past airport queues. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/travel/news/how-to-bag-a-powerful-passport-and-fly-past-airport-queues/ar-AA1lDgfT?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=8432ddd6b710421d8e6fb0ef01a615b3&ei=47 The usual bullshit from an Amerikkan/Izraeli/Brexit zionist propaganda rag.

01.01.2024: Brexit changes on imported animals, food and flowers coming on 31 January 2024. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/business-economics/brexit-changes-on-imported-animals-food-and-flowers-coming-on-31-january-2024-365957/

Turdy regime backer and Pee-er, Michelle Mone: Crime agency ‘looking into £3m sent to peer’s bank account’. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/michelle-mone-crime-agency-looking-124054605.html

Eurostar warns of delays as London trains resume after flooding caused by Amerikkan-backed IDF terrorists. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20231231-eurostar-warns-of-delays-as-london-trains-resume-after-flooding

How the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics are driving the city’s green revolution. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/dec/31/paris-2024-olympics-green-transformation-anne-hidalgo-clean-seine As big a load of greenwashing bollox as only the French can produce. All eyes on Paris. All eyes averted on the 'real' France.

Why are ties between Russia and Israel ‘at lowest point since fall of the Soviet Union’? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/30/why-are-ties-between-russia-and-israel-at-lowest-point-since-fall-of-the-soviet-union The Ruskies lost around 25 million lives to the Nazis in World War 2 - which almost never never gets a mention in the zionist media. 4 or 5 times the number of 'the' Holocaust of which we are constantly reminded on the other hand, by today's zionist Nazi propaganda. In other words, the Ruskies don't like Nazis. Wherever they might be manifesting themselves today. Amerikka. Ukraine. Naziland Brexitland. Germany. Or, increasingly and most blatantly, Izrael.

John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/dec/31/john-pilger-campaigning-journalist-dies-aged-84 RIP in memory of a proper journalist and reporter.

31.12.2023: Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons – poll. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/dec/30/britons-brexit-bad-uk-poll-eu-finances-nhs Ah, yes, but doing something about it doesn't count. It would be 'democratic' and anti-semitic.

Household energy bills to rise 5% from January 1 amid record consumer debt. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/household-energy-bills-rise-5-024557968.html

2024 tax warning for anyone who sells items on eBay, Vinted and Etsy. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/2024-tax-warning-for-anyone-who-sells-items-on-ebay-vinted-and-etsy/ar-AA1meAeA?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=3ba14b786499496fad05d3a361140584&ei=10

Thousands stranded as Eurostar cancels more than a dozen trains due to flooded tunnels. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/thousands-stranded-as-eurostar-cancels-more-than-a-dozen-trains-due-to-flooded-tunnels/ar-AA1mesjj?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=215dd49977de4e1d94acdea403843ce2&ei=11 That will be those IDF terrorists again. Their 'intelligence' has just found out that Eurostar uses a tunnel.

New Year Honours: Bosses at TalkTalk, BAE Systems, AJ Bell, Wetherspoon and Arriva among those recognised. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/new-year-honours-bosses-at-talktalk-bae-systems-aj-bell-wetherspoon-and-arriva-among-those-recognised/ar-AA1mdwRB?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=2a82b85df24f4020b5b692ab896ed58d&ei=18 Another tainted Turdy New Year Honours list confirming once again why NOT being nominated is a far greater badge of distinction.

SA FILES CASE AT INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE ACCUSING Amerikkan/Kanadian/Naziland Brexitland/French/German-backed terrorist state of IZRAEL OF GENOCIDE. https://ewn.co.za/2023/12/30/sa-files-genocide-case-against-israel-at-international-court-of-justice At last. A country with some balls telling it as it is. Not that the cowardly International Court of Justice - which has deliberately ignored countless instances of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide over the years - is itself any better than the Izraelis or its backers. Ireland to join in the fight against terrorism, genocide and ethnic cleansing? https://www.aol.co.uk/mcdonald-urges-varadkar-ensure-ireland-161619754.html

Putin 'must be stopped' says Amerikkan Zimmer-frame terrorist Bidet after 'record' Russian airstrikes kill (allegedly) 30 civilians. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/putin-must-be-stopped-says-biden-after-record-russian-airstrikes/ar-AA1mdj0O?ocid=StaticFallback&cvid=dd6bf51f90a947709ecf4a5d42150a7c&ei=20 Amerikkan-backed Izraeli terrorists murder over 20,000 defenceless civilians; 10,000 civilians missing. 'Let's send them more arms', says Amerikkan Zimmer-frame terrorist, Bidet. 'Business is good.'

30.12.2023: Growth in consumer card spending slows as Brits cut back. https://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk/companies/news/1037194/growth-in-consumer-card-spending-slows-as-brits-cut-back-spending-1037194.html

Families face £1,400 'debt timebomb' in 2024 with sharp rise on credit cards and loans. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/families-face-1400-debt-timebomb-31767983

BRICS to Grow as Saudi, Iran, UAE, Egypt, Ethiopia Join Ranks. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/brics-grow-saudi-iran-uae-111717749.html Wot? No invite to the Amerikkan/Izraeli terrorist colony, Naziland Brexitland?

Turdies ‘writing off’ young people as growing number ‘economically inactive’. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/tories-writing-off-young-people-223000774.html Surely they're not all future Turdy voters?

Struggling children are ‘products of crap parents’, Turdy MP claims. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/tory-mp-parents-new-conservatives-b2470758.html Just as a struggling economy, a struggling population are 'products' of 'crap' politicians and 'crap' government.

English wine producers unlikely to adopt ‘redundant’ pint option. https://www.theguardian.com/food/2023/dec/29/english-wine-producers-unlikely-to-adopt-redundant-pint-option Pure 'Brexitwashing'. They'll be giving the vote to North Sea fish fingers next.

The farmer, the dishwasher and the performance artist: how war forced career changes on Ukrainian refugees. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/dec/29/ukraine-war-refugees-forced-career-changes So they've not all come to Naziland Brexitland then?

29.12.2023: Boxing Day retail footfall up 4% on 2022, analysis shows. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/boxing-day-retail-footfall-4-132941564.html

4,757 ‘festive filers’ submitted tax returns on Christmas Day. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/4-757-festive-filers-submitted-122949514.html Perhaps they were lonely?

Building rainy-day fund and paying off debts among top money goals for Brits in 2024. https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/top-financial-goals-resolutions-2024-31760766

New property laws in 2024 that affect homeowners and renters - what you need to know. https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/new-property-laws-2024-affect-31762186

Post Office Horizon inquiry: ‘enough evidence for police investigation’. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/post-office-horizon-inquiry-enough-evidence-for-police-investigation/ar-AA1majv9?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=790d760c42fa4998a6e7511c5142a1d0&ei=14 There has been 'enough evidence for a police investigation' into the Post Office's criminally incompetent, cowardly crooks from the very outset - but that would have meant dragging in some criminally incompetent, cowardly political crooks as well and therein lay the problem. Now let us see the guilty parties behind bars first and then, interrogated, found guilty and sent down for life to a Rwandan labour camp. At their own expense. After every penny of their assets and belongings have been sold off towards an appropriate level of compensation for the victims of this revolting miscarriage of justice.

UK vinyl sales at highest level since 1990. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/music/uk-vinyl-sales-at-highest-level-since-1990-as-taylor-swift-leads-the-way/ar-AA1m9dRc?ocid=StaticFallback&cvid=609855d1fa8042e6ac3e03b178eccd64&ei=17

Retailers to pay for consumers’ e-waste recycling from 2026 under UK plans. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/28/retailers-to-pay-for-consumers-e-waste-recycling-from-2026-under-uk-plans

Three-quarters of advance fee scams perpetrated overseas, zionist Labour says. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/three-quarters-advance-fee-scams-000100464.html Like taxpayer-financed advance fees ('overseas aid') for wealthy countries like the Nazi State of Izrael to help them with the 'scam' of genocide and ethnic cleansing pretending to be defence.

28.12.2023: Last Friday before Christmas was busiest day of 2023 for ATM withdrawals – Link. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/last-friday-christmas-busiest-day-150652162.html So much for banking propaganda claiming that cash is declining in popularity. (Amongst those who ain't got any.)

New UK bank account rules coming with customers issued 'five day' warning. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newsbirmingham/new-uk-bank-account-rules-coming-with-customers-issued-five-day-warning/ar-AA1m3mPU?ocid=StaticFallback&cvid=7ed53d3fd0b148219a503d2b16349bff&ei=16

Amazon Prime confirms date adverts will appear - and users will have to pay to stop them. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/amazon-prime-confirms-date-adverts-will-appear-and-users-will-have-to-pay-to-stop-them/ar-AA1m60wc?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=cc3e725e08b5476a90117b440e458c81&ei=24

Are You Aware Of These Freelance Scams? https://www.freelanceinformer.com/career-tips/are-you-aware-of-these-freelance-scams/

And the winners of the 2023 awards for worst customer service are … https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/and-the-winners-of-the-2023-awards-for-worst-customer-service-are/ar-AA1m5x4H?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=09785c5c18924f0395d32c813d521abb&ei=19

Over 100 Journalists Killed in Less Than Three Months. https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/12/26/over-100-journalists-killed-in-less-than-three-months/ So - these are proper journalists and not embedded hacks recycling Amerikkan/zionist terrorist propaganda in The Daily Terrorgraph, The Daily Abscess and The Scum. (And that's just on the Naziland Brexitland side of the pond.) Basic Nazi principle: the truth must be censored, contained, distorted and eliminated at all costs: always a prime indicator of Evil At Work.

'Amerikkan-backed illegal immigrants, terrorists and murdering, thieving criminal Settlers armed with long rifles, guns, knives and machetes came': A tale of just one of more than six hundred thousand West Bank Palestinian family(ies) driven from their home(s). https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/settlers-armed-with-long-rifles-guns-knives-and-machetes-came-west-bank-palestinian-family-driven-from-their-home/ar-AA1m4wwz?ocid=StaticFallback&cvid=7ed53d3fd0b148219a503d2b16349bff&ei=31 What the Palestinians quite clearly need is the political leadership of Nazi gobshites like Niger Fartrage, Pee Wankerson, Pooella Cravenwoman and Riski Skunk. (Oooops! Nearly forgot. In this particular case, they are SUPPORTING illegal immigration and terrorism.)

27.12.2023: ‘Free-from’ food increasingly unaffordable in UK, experts warn. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/dec/26/free-from-food-increasingly-unaffordable-uk-experts-warn As is food generally!

‘Pints’ of wine to be stocked on British shelves for first time. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/pints-wine-stocked-british-shelves-000100775.html Wow! And that is supposed to be a Brexit 'success story'? The Turdy Minister for Brexit Enterprise, North Sea Fish Fingers and Chocolate Oranges will be delighted!

Wish you weren't here! Why 2024 could be the worst year ever for 'overtourism'. https://news.sky.com/story/wish-you-werent-here-why-2024-could-be-the-worst-year-ever-for-overtourism-13025494

The two conditions British passports must meet to travel in the European Union. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/passport-brexit-expiry-rules-passenger-denied-b2469637.html

‘We don’t want the kids to be afraid of each other’: the Jews and Arabs uniting to heal rifts of war. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/27/jews-arabs-uniting-war-jaffa-tel-aviv-standing-together-peace Sadly, for every story like this, zionist terrorist propaganda chooses to publish ten thousand stories promoting lies, hatred, terrorism and war.

Terrorist State of Izrael (backed by the Terrorist States of Amerikka) readies for war on 7 fronts as attacks recorded in neighbouring countries. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gaza-war-syria-iraq-iran-b2469622.html As we were saying: good news for murderers, war criminals, thieves, cowards and liars.

Slack-ALEX BUMMER: We now owe it to Auschwitz survivors like my cousin to honour victims of the Holocaust with a national memorial. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-12902445/ALEX-BRUMMER-Auschwitz-survivors-cousin-honour-victims-Holocaust-national-memorial.html Will this finally include the 2/3rds of Holocaust victims who weren't Jewish yet never get a mention - in zionist, terrorist propaganda? The 11 million central and eastern European Slavs (above all), Russians, Africans, Arabs, (non-whites), Catholics, homosexuals, Romanys, handicapped, communists, freemasons, political and ideological opposition, anyone who didn't fit. A holocaust which was 'denied' by the Allies during the Second World War when it could easily have been minimised? And then we have the equivalent of at least 6 more 'holocausts' inflicted upon the planet by Amerikkan terrorists themselves, just since the Second World War. Are these innocent victims going to be commemorated, too? And will the memorial add that referring to 'the' Holocaust doesn't support the arguments for the ethnic cleansing, genocide and murder of millions of defenceless civilians by today's Nazis - the Amerikkans, the Izraelis and their cowardly, snivelling allies like Naziland Brexitland?

26.12.2023: One in six planning to ‘resell unwanted Christmas gifts’. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/one-six-planning-resell-unwanted-000100072.html

Boxing Day sales: Shoppers predicted to spend less. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67821795

‘Free’ was the most searched-for term on Gumtree in January this year. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/free-most-searched-term-gumtree-000100865.html

Why more women than ever are starting UK businesses. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/dec/26/i-conduct-my-own-orchestra-why-more-women-than-ever-are-starting-uk-businesses

‘A bit strange’: hiking group in Germany reported to police as illegal migrants. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/24/german-hiking-group-reported-police-illegal-migrants In line with its support for the terrorist state of Nazi Izrael, it looks like Germany's good 'ole times are well and truly on their way back.

25.12.2023: Last-minute shoppers hit the streets on Christmas Eve. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/last-minute-shoppers-hit-streets-131205737.html Wow! That's a first!!

UK economy at risk of recession after surprise third quarter decline. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/uk-economy-risk-recession-surprise-082755742.html 'Surprise'? Brexiteers and the Turdy regime shouldn't be so modest. It's another one of their 'success stories'!

Black Friday deals drive jump in UK retail sales. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/black-friday-deals-drive-jump-074433883.html As they did just about everywhere in the world.

Bank urges customers to ‘remain guarded’ against scams over festive season. https://www.aol.co.uk/money/bank-urges-customers-remain-guarded-000100019.html Even more unusual.

12 ways to make and save money in 2024. https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/12-ways-to-make-and-save-money-in-2024-aiSgi0a8JYqt

24.12.2023: Hard cheese: Nazi zionist Canada rejects British attempt to secure tariff-free exports. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/dec/23/hard-cheese-canada-rejects-british-attempt-to-secure-tariff-free-exports They obviously haven't read that Brexit is a 'success story'.

Fears for river pollution as UK ditches EU farming rules after Brexit. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/fears-for-river-pollution-as-uk-ditches-eu-farming-rules-after-brexit/ar-AA1lWrnx?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=210a3b01939942e99224e29763c21e35&ei=48 And it's not as if EU farming rules are exactly the dog's bollox either!

Former sub-postermaster's fury at wait to clear name over Post Office Horizon scandal. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newsscotland/former-sub-postermaster-s-fury-at-wait-to-clear-name-over-post-office-horizon-scandal/ar-AA1lVSui?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=90b7e51ae8a043b2b108ae18a89cc326&ei=16 Given the truth of this matter the reporting should read that it is Post Office management and the government which are waiting to clear their names over the Horizon scandal.

Pro-Palestine protesters 'disrupt' Christmas shoppers in call to boycott 'pro-Izraeli-genocide' brands. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/pro-palestine-protesters-disrupt-christmas-shoppers-in-call-to-boycott-pro-israel-brands/ar-AA1lWSlL?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=f5d3e333934a40549c9465839da6ff9c&ei=19 Been dropping 2000lb bombs, have they? Murdered over 20,000 shoppers, mainly the elderly, women and children, have they? 'Disrupt', my arse. Pure Izraeli terrorist propaganda.

Brexit hypocrite Dyson calls on political leaders to ‘go for growth’ to rescue economy. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/sir-james-dyson-calls-political-011756335.html One of the reasons the economy needs to be 'rescued' is because the country's 'political leaders' (aka public school bend-over-boys) have already listened to gobshites like Dyson too many times.

Woman making Christmas jumpers for UK turns to sex work to pay bills. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/dec/23/woman-making-christmas-jumpers-for-uk-turns-to-sex-work-to-pay-bills You don't have to travel as far as India to find women in the rag trade who have to turn to sex work to help pay the bills. The East Midlands will do.

Revealed: how US residents are funding illegal settlements in the West Bank. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/revealed-us-residents-funding-illegal-130025400.html Dumb, knuckle-scraping (and terrorism-supporting) Amerikkans have been funding illegal settlements since Izrael was first conceived. But - this still passes for 'news' in the fake 'anti-semitic' gutter media.

Poland and Ukraine to put their differences aside amid 'titanic struggle' against Russia. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/poland-ukraine-put-differences-aside-112410045.html According to a Polish minister - but not according to the Polish public who aren't forgetting the ethnic butchery of a quarter of a million of their families, friends and compatriots by Ukrainian Nazis. And not forgetting all the Ukrainians who fought alongside the Germans during WW2, either.



With our usual gratitude and thanks to BAD News and Cobweb Info.

Len Tondel




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